The best of Q & A

When I have questions, these are the places I go:

Stack overflow - Software Engineering

Provides a collaborative site for Q&A of all things software development.  Tags for languages, technologies, etc.  Its free and the content is high quality.  There are Other resources.  I don't know why people insist on paying when an excellent free service exists.

Just Answer - Lots of categories

My main experience has been with the dental section (looking like a root canal in my future).  But the answers have been really useful.  Seems like they want you to subscribe but its all available following links such as this one to a list of questions.

Scuba Board - Scuba 

And all things underwater.  Time and time again, when I'm looking for something scuba related using a search engine, the content I'm looking for ends up being a forum posting on Scuba Board. 

Do you have any other suggestions?  Leave a comment below.




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