Wii fit weigh in

We've had our wii fit setup for almost 2 years now. And over the course of time, we have seen some unexplained weight gain "incidents".  Aside from the occasionally accurate shaming questions "have you eaten too much recently?" or "are you snacking at night".. we noticed that the weigh in was just not accurate.  Finally figured it out last night.  The weigh in wasn't happening when we thought it was.  When it first says "starting up ... step on"... THATS when it weighs you.  Not after.  The 2nd with the count down is just for finding your center of balance.  When it is asking you for a modifier for your clothes... its already taken your weight.  So if you have a sweater or pants to shed (for consistent weigh ins!) or if you plan to quickly toss the remote to the side (for accuracy sake!) then you need to do it before you first step on the board.  



April 2012

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