The Separation between Corp and State

I happened to catch an NPR story on the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).  It's shocking to me that politicians and Corporations can use a non profit "organization" as a clearing house for lobbying.  Its rather like a shell Corporation being use to hide money laundering!  I can't imagine how such activities are allowed to continue.  Imagine a "model bill" written by a Corporation (or group of Corps) becoming the actual legislation almost word for word.  Apparently it happens, and not infrequently: "more than 200 of the organization's model bills became actual laws over the past year."  The politicians are not representing the people.  They are representing the Corporations.  Every fear The Founders had of the Church, is coming to fruition wrapped in greed, on Corporate letterhead.  

It strikes me as one of the unforeseen (by The Founders) changes in American social/legal structure, that Corporations have become so powerful.  Looking back at history though, the signs were there to see.  One of the very sparks that lead to the American Revolution was due to the effects of Corporate interests.  Between John Company and the VoC, the power and influence of a Multi-National Corporation was evident even in the time of Washington and Adams.  

Perhaps the rise of the "modern" Corporation as a legal person was the pivotal change.  I do not know.  But I do believe that Corporate lobbying and what ever you wish to call the activities of the members of ALEC (It certainly quacks like a duck) are one of the greatest threats to our Representative Republic.




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