private passenger space flight getting closer

The multi million dollar trips to the ISS aside, looks like the business of taking folks into space is getting closer to reality.  Have you booked your ticket yet?  =)  Me neither sad to say.

My own guess on the timeline:
The glide tests of SS2 will probably continue for another 6 months.  That assumption is based on a comparison of the timeline for SS1.  First drop test of SS1 came 4 months before the first powered flight.  I figure they'll be more careful here, but you also have to figure, they have a significantly deeper pocketbook, and much more experience.  Then maybe 6-9 months of powered flights, another 3-6 months of space flights, and then... commercial!  I fella can dream can't he?  Just thankful there are rich folks like Branson out there pushing the envelope and pulling us all along into the future.



April 2012

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