My California voting stance for Nov 2010


Prop 19 - Yes
People are doing it anyway, lets Tax it!  Lets take away a source of income for those engaged in illegal activity.  Given that they are no longer prosecuting anyway, we should go the final step and legalize.

Prop 20 - Maybe
Dont get me wrong, I am all for redistricting.  However, I am most in favor of Arnold's plan to use a panel of retired judges.  I think it would be safer that way.  Maybe I trust judges too much?  Regardless, I do like the idea of taking power to draw boundaries away from the Legislature.  I do not care about the red-herring of costs.  

Prop 21 - No
This is a cash grab.  The publicly available evidence puts our Legislature and this Proposition into their true perspective.  

Prop 22 - Yes
I'm in favor of limiting the "rob Peter to pay Paul" accounting/funding practices.  The State (and the Federal and Local governments as well) needs to balance the budget, and truly cut spending.

Prop 23 - NO (Fixed)
Tying an already existing set of legislation to the unemployment rate is I think bad logic.  That aside, I don't care if its global warming or global cooling, either way its pollution.  Lets reduce it.  Many of the possible changes to improve air quality might actually help unemployment: Someone has to design / develop / implement / install those changes.

Prop 24 - No
This one is hard... but CA is already such a crappy place for businesses, we need to give them some incentive to stick around.  I think repealing the tax credit sharing makes sense.  I think repealing the multi-state sales income calculation makes sense.  However, it would be good to allow businesses to shift operating losses to prior and future tax years (to some extent).  This would allow more businesses to survive economic downturns!  

Prop 25 - Yes
We need to lower the bar to pass a balanced budget.

Prop 26 - No
The fees vs taxes argument is bunk.  Its about requiring a 2/3 majority vote that is at the heart of this.  They can't even pass a budget (see prop 25) why would I want that for new fees / taxes?  Government has to be paid for.

Prop 27 - Hell No
Don't give those crooks the power to draw the lines without having to even jump through a few hoops.

Carly Fiorina (R).  

Jerry Brown (D).  Yes... I hate myself for typing this, but Whitman just doesn't have the right stuff.  Arnold has proven it takes more than one figurehead to turn things around.  

Lt Governor:
Abel Maldonado (R).  Just to keep Moonbeam on his toes.

Secretary of State:
Christina Tobin (L)

John Chiang (D).  I think he did a good job and did right defending the payroll from Arnold.

Mimi Walters (R)

Attorney General:
Timothy Hannan (L)




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