The size of the universe and other little things

I zoned out in the shower this evening thinking about light, and came to a few realizations.  These are quite possibly false realizations, but they are mine =)

First is the belief that the universe is actually expanding.  Second is the idea of the size of the universe.  Imagine the big bang: an infinitely dense point.  That density is released.  Now, is the speed of light constant?  Imagine the outer edge of the expanding sphere from the big bang.  It is expanding in all directions at the speed of light.  So, a year after the big bang, the universe was 2 light years across.  Those photons on the outer edge all traveling at the theoretical limit, would continue expanding at their respective velocities forever.  Objects in motion tend to remain in motion.   There is nothing to get in their way.  Thus the size of the universe is 2 times how ever far light can travel in whatever unit of time you like, times the age of the universe in that unit of time.  Get me?

Now, with that thought comes also the idea that velocity is relative.  Observations are all relative to the observer and/or other things being observed.  This is nothing new.  But, I submit (based on the above) that IF light is the fastest thing in the universe, the maximum observable speed of an object in the universe is actually 2 times the speed of light.  For example, if you were one of the above photons on the outer edge of the expanding universe, you can imagine seeing your dear photon friend, with whom you were just so close to, traveling at the speed of light in exact opposite direction.  Relative to you, how fast is that other photon going?  

Since we are not the center of the universe, we should at the very least have some velocity.  As there are photons being emitted by stars, traveling at the speed of light, at least some of those relative to us, should have an observable speed that exceeds the speed of light.  

What do you think?




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